A row of large fabric "sails" were installed in 2022 - 2923 on the Public Parking Garage on Main Street in Downdown Pawtucket. Funded by the Pawtucket Foundation, the architectural enhancements add a dramatic visual elements to an otherwise simple, concrete building. The colors of the fabrics and metal facings echo the bold colors of the City's contemporary logo, while at the same time, introducing vitality to the stark structure.
Jan Brodie, Executive Director of the Pawtucket Foundation, worked with Christian Ladd, designer, with fabricators and installers Jay Massa and Stafford Design Build and The Cooley Group.
Joan Hausrath
Source: Valley Breeze, Pawtucket Edition, Nov, 2022
"Christian J. Ladds, AIA, LEED APÂ joined the firm in 1984 after receiving both a Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Architecture from RISD. He has served as Vice President and President of AIA Rhode Island and as a guest critic at RISD. In addition to his responsibilities as a practicing project principal, Chris has taken on local community leadership roles on the Rhode Island Board of Examination and Registration of Architects, the Providence Preservation Society Planning and Architecture Review Committee, and the Construction Management Professional Advisory Board for Roger Williams University School of Engineering, Computing, and Construction Management.
He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Pawtucket Foundation. He has presented at the SCUP North Atlantic Regional Conference, the Northeast Association of College and University Housing Officers, Architecture Boston Expo and the Southern New England American Planning Association conference. Chris recently taught a studio at Roger Williams University titled, “In search of a new kind of live-learn community.”
Source: llbarch.com/about/principals